- ? 【Sense of Balance and Coordination】No pedals are designed to help your child learn bike skills quickly. By using AODI balance bike, you can develop your little one’s sense of balance, self-coordination and motor control. The AODI Sports is designed with your kids in mind, it is lightweight and Non-slip with great ergonomics. The small boys and girls can easily handle the bike.
- ? 【Adjustability Seat】The saddle height is adjustable to suit growing kids, for ages 18 months to 6 years, saddle height from 15 to 19 inches. The seat is well-designed which ensures ride with comfort & Rubber tires safety.
- ? 【Easy To Install】It is easy to assemble the AODI kid’s balance bike with tools that package included. You will complete installing saddle, handlebar, and wheels within 10 minutes following the steps shown on user Installation Instruction.
- ? 【Rubber Pneumatic Tires】You can play with it on any ground such as pothole road, stone road, pavement, playground, lawn or trail since The inflatable wheels use anti-slip and anti-friction rubber material. Lightweight and durable steel frames never rust for kinds of best birthday or Christmas present.
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