- RECOMMENDED AGE: TheCroco Baby Balance bike is recommended for Childs ages 10-18 months who are learning to walk, as it is designed to help the little ones to develop their motor skills, muscle strength and balance.
- PRODUCT FEATURES: Sturdy steel frame with fully enclosed wheels to avoid clamping baby’s feet, limited 135 degrees steering to prevent infant’s side falling, fun anima designs, non-slip, no-scratch to provide a secure grip both indoors and outdoors, padded seat and soft handlebar for extra comfort, un-peelable premium stickers.
- PERFECT 1st BIRTHDAY TOYS GIFTS: Add fun and joy to your baby’s playtime. Our great animal designs, make this a perfect gift for any special occasion. Fill your little one life with unforgettable memories while supporting their development.
- CUSTOMER SERVICE: Each baby bike is covered by a 2-year warranty; we will replace any part regardless of fault. Hassle-free customer service via e-mail or chat within 24 hrs.
- EASY ASSEMBLY AND SAFE: Each bike come 90% assembled straight out of the box, includes all the tools you need and can be fully set up in 2 minutes. All the materials and designs are BPA-Free and safe for kids, in addition it is ASTM and EN-71 approved.
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